Friday, June 6, 2008

A few new pictures:

This one is from the other day. These guys sure are hard to get a picture of, but I finally got a fair one.

I have very few mosquitoes here, most likely because there isn't much water nearby. But what I lack in mosquitoes I make up for in woodticks. They're as thick here this year as other people's mosquitoes are!

I have never seen a woodchuck climb a tree. Didn't even know they could. From a distance I thought this was a fisher, then a wolverine, but no. When I got close I realized it was a stupid old woodchuck.

And of course he has a big woodtick in his ear.

My mom always called these Blue Flags. As did her mom. They're an iris, but not like the big cultivated kind you normally see. They're more like the wild ones growing on the edge of ponds and such. Mom gave us some from her place when we bought our place and now they grow all over. They have been handed down through many generations, along with a lot of other flowers mom gave us over the years.

And of course, an airplane picture from today.