Sunday, June 8, 2008

JR and Brittany were over last night for pot roast night. They brought a funny movie with them to watch. The storms started moving back in after the pot roast was gone, so we watched them for awhile. Then, it really started to look ugly, with one section of the storm having definite rotation. It was time to leave, since we have no place to seek shelter from a tornado. We went down the road a ways, away from the center of the rotation, and waited a few minutes for it to pass. Then came back home and watched Bob the weatherman on channel 27. He was tracking a possible large tornado heading for Reedsburg, which fortunately never touched down. In the excitement, I forgot all about the funny movie that JR brought over, so we never did watch it!

As of 6:00 this morning we had 3.30 inches of rain, since yesterday morning. Looks like another 2 inches since then, over the last two hours!