Wednesday, November 5, 2008

News From The Observatory

L to R: The Moon and Jupiter. - The Seven Sisters star cluster. - A dim little star cluster, M34. I hope to add more time to this one in the future.

L to R: One of my favorite constellations is beginning to rise in the evenings, Orion, behind the tower and partially obscured by the horizon. - Yes, I still take pictures of airplanes. - Speaking of airplanes, one of my exposures of the Seven Sisters happened to have a plane cross it, making this dotted line/streak combination.

L to R: I've had so many guilt trips laid on me while trying to hunt for these - that nowadays I'd rather just take pictures of these.

L to R: My astronomer buddies, Goldie - Snoopy.

- Quads, hailing from Grand Marsh Observatory atop Elk Castle Hill!