Sunday, November 30, 2008

This is what I do during Deer Season when I can get away with it:

I'm certainly no stranger to cutting firewood during hunting season. Charity firewood cutting is one of the things that finally forced me to give up hunting.

The good neighbors all got their deer opening day, last Saturday, so it was time to cut wood again. I cut all day yesterday, early this morning did the laundry, then headed out and cut, split, hauled, and piled.

It's excellent exercise, especially if you do it by yourself. And I can use all the exercise I can get! So many people get diabetes that it worries me. It killed my dad when he was 54 years old and I'll probably get it next, but hopefully the exercise will help.

The first snowflakes started to fall at 9:49am and by 11:00am I was soaking wet. Nothing a nice hot shower and a half hour with my feet up by the woodstove didn't cure.

- Quads, hailing from Grand Marsh Observatory atop Elk Castle Hill!