Friday, December 11, 2009

Tips before and after you see a UFO

1. If you see a UFO keep your head.
The problem with seeing a UFO is the event becomes so startling that the witnesses are not using their heads. They forget they have the means, in many instances, to prove the event really happened. I met a scientist on a cruise once. He had one previous experience. He told me once he witnessed "shiny spheres" shooting along the highway in front of his car. His wife and family didn't believe him. We became friends and he started to delve into UFOs. Now he is a strong supporter of the realities of UFOs. About 6 months after we met the whole family was in their car when they had a daylight sighting. His wife and family no longer doubts him. He called me on the phone right after the sighting. The important point here is they had a video camera and photo camera in the car but the shock of what he saw gave him total "UFO amnesia" and he forgot he had them. Photos and video are important, but nothing beats independent witnesses with their own evidence. So, if you see people watching the same object it would be very smart if you could exchange phone numbers with them, or at least get their numbers.

2. Write down all the information you can about the sighting before you report it.
Jot down all the specifics: the more detailed the better. Make sketches of the object: color, size, shape, and movement. Include also an estimate of the degree position the object in relation to the horizon and also compass directions. If it's at night take notes of any stars or planets near your sighting. Many phones now have compasses and make it possible to go on the web. You can use them to find not only the positions of the stars and planets, but also satellites, their times and positions.

Never lie or embellish your UFO sighting.
You never know how important your sighting will become and there are people out there in media just waiting to discredit you. If you think they are stupid you'd be making a big mistake. One of the great witnesses to Roswell known as the "Mortician" lied about names of the nurse and his story changed over the course of time. Although his original statement had been repeated many times in the town years before any publicity, his inconsistencies were fodder for the skeptics. It is perfectly understandable if a person wishes to hold back certain aspects of the sighting till that person is comfortable with his/her investigator. For years ranchers never spoke of seeing landed disk and entities, even though now they claim they had witnessed them during times of mutilations. They claimed they withheld that information because if they had said anything people would have thought they were crazy. Hey, you know something… they're right. My strong suggestion, in that case, is to be upfront with the investigator right away. State your position as plainly as possible; that you are not comfortable with sharing everything at this time. This will save you a great deal of grief if you decide to reveal it later on. I say this as a student of UFO history; it is the best way to go.

Report your sighting.
MUFON is the best place to report your sighting. They have some great field investigators and they have a much better system of tracking the progress of a case. As far as MUFON getting back to you quickly, the more MUFON investigators in your area the better chance you have of your case being looked at quickly. The other place to report a sighting is the National UFO Reporting Center. Although NUFORC will take your sighting they don't investigate. They will, however, notify MUFON if a report looks very interesting and or is part and parcel to other UFO sightings in the same area (flap).

5. There is a big secret in UFO history.
In the beginning of UFO investigations if witnesses claimed multiple sightings at different times, that person would have been considered too far out to be of interest. That has changed tremendously. Many of our researchers now know people do indeed have multiple sightings. The point here is you may want to go back to the same area the next night (most of these types of recurrences happen at night) or, in those rare instances, the next day. If the sighting was at night, go a little earlier and take pictures of the area in the daytime concentrating on any objects in the area: trees, hills, and manmade structures. If you can measure the distances to these markers of course that would help. Your trip will not be wasted even if you don't see anything.

Reporting a UFO publically can be dangerous to your career.
I am not self righteous enough to tell people to endanger their career over a UFO sighting. If you're involved with government contracts, or any place where "they" can hurt you or damage your career, don't give your name. I suggest you report the sighting anonymously with MUFON. MUFON will keep your anonymity. Anonymity is one of the pillars of MUFON. Simply put they can be trusted and in their training (which I took) they stress the importance of maintaining anonymity when requested. Why even report it if it's anonymous? Your report may bring other people out of the "UFO closet." This may mean they also report their sighting confirming what you saw. Believe me you will feel better if other people witnessed what you witnessed.

Look out for the media.
The reality of the world is the media will try to trivialize your report. If your experience ends up bringing attention and you are interviewed, they usually bring debunkers on after you are interviewed. Try and counter in your initial interview the objections to your case these skeptics may make. Example: if Jupiter or another planet was close to the same area of the sky as your object mention that, because, you can be sure, if you don't, they will… In other words ,cover all your bases. If you have any professional standing that could lend credibility to your sighting, mention it ( if you can). If you are allowed to counter the skeptic, challenge any ridiculous statement they may have made, (there usually some) and keep your head; USUALLY, DEBUNKERS KNOW LESS THAN YOU ABOUT UFOS. Don't be intimidated, they are bluffing.

8. Getting money for your experience has it's headaches.
Suppose you have that rare UFO experience so profound, and well substantiated, it receives a thorough investigation with even the possibility of a book deal. What should you do? Obviously in this illustration the investigation went well for the person, in other words concrete independent evidence that something did happen. Now, it gets complicated. People may push you and pull you all kinds of ways. I suggest you remember why you reported your experience(s) in the first place…it was probably a selfless act. Stay true to that integrity above all else, in your testimony, and even with the lure of more money. If you do this you will certainly be in good standing with the UFO community. You can bank on that.

What happens if you are asked to speak at some UFO conferences?

That of course is up to each and every person to decide. I can tell you what I have observed at conferences. The support for well documented cases is phenomenal. Each one of them is perceived by most of the UFO community, as a break in the wall against humanity's ignorance. There are some people in our community that seem to have their own agenda, whatever the hell it is. These people will question any human weakness you have. This type of unfairness doesn't go unchallenged with most of the UFO community; they will support you in every way.

Is it worth it? The strongest evidence we have points to Extra Terrestrial Vehicles. They have continually monitored the Second World War, our nuclear buildup and our trips in space. They have even shot down missiles. At this very moment they are being witnessed and recorded all over the world. We've had an American hero who walked on the moon stating emphatically and publically that ETs are here. When UFO craft and its occupants turn out to be a public reality your UFO experience will take on a significance you could hardly have dreamed of.

Above all else, people of the world, report UFOs because knowledge is power.


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