Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Another day closer to Christmas.

Mrs. Quads took the Chevy to work this morning. -21°F below zero and that old Chevy started right up!

With my old dog Goldie being so dizzy from vertigo, she has a hard time walking. And on the linoleum floor it's almost impossible for her. Her toenails were a little long, so last night I thought if I trimmed them she might have an easier time walking on the slippery floor. Well, she hates to have her toenails clipped, and with her being sick I was trying to be so careful, but just as I was clipping she kicked with her foot and I trimmed one of them really short. It bled quite a bit. Was still bleeding off and on a little this morning. One more thing to feel bad about......

One firewood delivery I did yesterday, the people gave me a $25 check. The bank tells me that they don't even have $25 in their account.....

Maybe I will return to Facebook in the Spring. I was even kind of getting the Christmas spirit this year, not that we have any money for it, but I have been working my ass off outside to sell firewood in addition to miking the cows so that... we at least have enough to keep up with the bills and possibly save enough to pay our property taxes which should be arriving any day. But I'm not in the Christmas spirit anymore. I just get too much shit and whining about it from my girls, then I get on Facebook to see what all my friends and family are up to and lately it just depresses me so much. It's hard to read anything without seeing it. And that's fine, it's Freedom of Speech, and anybody can bitch about anything they want and if I can't handle it, then I can go away. And that's exactly what I am doing. I can be depressed all by myself without Facebook's help. And now with our old dog Goldie dying, and since I have to try to chip a hole through the frost and frozen ground, maybe I will just make it big enough so I can crawl in it with her. After all, I heard winter is the season for dying. Read it right there on Facebook even, while I was trying to convince people that it wasn't as bad as it seems. And when I say that, I speak from experience. Up until only two years ago, I not only always plowed my own driveway every time it snowed, and my Mom's driveway every time it snowed, but I always did Meri and Stephen's driveway too, for decades! And maybe I wasn't always happy about it when it snowed every other day, and I had three or more driveways to do, but I still did them. And now that they have their own snowblower.....Jesus Christ! It's like the end of the friggin world.

Anyway, here is just a snippet from what popped up on my news feed the other day. See you all in the Spring, maybe, but you might have to dig me up from next to my old dog to find me:

"You can call me insane if you want. What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So is there anything that you really really dislike, and you know it's coming and just thinking of it makes you tense up, but you know you will have to deal with it anyway?

Daena Morgan That's one nice thing about snow....the potholes in Meri's driveway get filled! Even if only until Spring. :-) Meri Morgan I miss the potholes!

I have to go out and finish up everything now that Stephen is going to work. Why am I not allowed to hate this crap again?

Thanks, Kelli, I tell ya' this am I would've packed up all my animals and just kept driving until I didn't see any more snow if I could've!!!

It is the anticipation of the impending doom and knowing how bad it will make me feel......

We've done the driveway I think 4 times now because we have the drifting to deal with. I think I'm putting up a snow fence next year!

Yes, couldn't get out of the driveway because of the drifts and lack of tread on the tires. Tried to turn around the Honda, no go. Then took me about 20 minutes of trying to turn the truck around, needs new tires and some weight in the back. By then I gave up Seth and I stayed home. I'm done. Something's gotta give. Either (and/or) I get an SUV/we move south. I can't take it anymore.

I know, I would love to move, but I would have to take my favorite people with me and you all wouldn't come, so I must suffer for you all... :) I would love to live in Arkansas in the Ozarks, Hot Springs, around there, or in SouthWest Missouri. It's very beautiful there. Georgia would be good too, but maybe a little too south....

I think you worry more about this than I do, it's something I do. I get cranked up, swear, break something, maybe cry, *******but then I am over it and move on to the next day.******** I am not ready for a psychotic breakdown, this is me... this is who I it's part of me.....Don't worry yourself so much about me, I will survive, my psyche isn't as fragile as you would have us all believe. I think I am just taking it a little too personally because of Hannah and the way things have turned out with that. I have no control over either, but the winter is here in my face and it can't fight back (so to speak) so therefore I choose to take my frustrations out on the thing that I can and doesn't hurt anyone. I think you are more upset about this than I am. I need some way to vent my frustration/anger/disappointment/whatever so I choose to do it to the winter, I can't hurt it, I can't say the wrong things to it and it will never speak to me again. It doesn't care one way or another what I say or do to it. In fact, it almost makes it harder for me having everyone think that I am losing it. I am in no danger of losing it. I have always had this personality, when I get upset about something I have no control over, I try to take it out on things that don't matter, the weather, inanimate objects. It helps me get out my anger and then I take a nap and I feel better. It's just the way I am. Love it or leave it, but you can't change it.......

Maybe when I go to sleep, I will sleep like Rip Van Winkle and wake up in the spring! Wish me luck, everyone! Good Night!

Yeah, well, I woke up and everything seemed to be going okay until I tried to turn the car around, no go. Then tried to turn the truck around, no go. They all need new Seth and I are staying home until further notice (spring). I'm done trying....

If only there were room on my CC..... :(

Better bundle up and head out to feed the horses and finish the blowing! Fun!!

I am thoroughly depressed and disgusted so I am making homemade bread and cookies and cleaning the house. Stephen better blow the drive the way I want it so I don't have to go outside and get so mad I want to choke someone!

It's a terrible feeling, I don't like it, but just want to beat the snot out of someone!

I love winter storms soooo much, especially when I have to go out at 10pm to snow blow the driveway again so Stephen can get back home!! I can't wait!

So, looks like I will be watching It's a Wonderful Life, then going out into the blizzard! Hopefully it will put me in the right mood to do it!

Well, the plow went by and it's a big bunch of snow at the end. He has the Honda, but it's really not bad, but needs new tires in the front...

I love that rant! Sounds like one of mine. Like the rant I gave poor Stephen when he asked me to blow the driveway at 10pm!

I wish I had one then maybe I could have some fun...But not in the budget yet...

The impending doom of the storm I guess.

Or more powerful than God! Whatever happens, will happen no matter what as far as the weather goes and we just have to adjust. (But I don't have to like certain parts of it!)

I never left! I was just kidding! I must say how much I HATE this!

It sure seems like it's that much!! Sorry, Daena, but I HATE it!

Kathy Geisler Blaszczak I must add they are also DUMB!! Meri Morgan That's part of their charm and why they like any weather! :)

Yeah right!! I don't have anyone to do it, Stephen won't I will fall for sure, so I don't know.

Went to get Hung Low from across the street. Our driveway will be blown in again before morning. We have such drifting here.

Well, at least someone seems happy about the snow!

[brothers] You kind of get attatched to them even though they can be quite annoying at times.

I can flip off the snow all I want!

I bet a Hummer would get me in and out of the driveway!!

Oh, it makes me feel a little warmer just reading that! 81*!! Thanks!!

Penny Hams Sellhausen is going outside to find Jack Frost and Old Man Winter to kick them in the snowballs, enough with the cold weather already! Meri Morgan I'll help!!

I don't think that you will move either, why don't we just agree to disagree and not talk about winter anymore?"


  1. And this is just the first f-in snowstorm!

  2. Wow Daena!I got a little lost there.I thought it was you saying all of this then it dawned to me it was Meri in there too.

    Don't worry if you moved i would move with ya.Tracie and i even thought of moving closer to you cause you and Karen are the only ones we see anymore.Once Brittany moves out we will be alone and that is a scary though.We are down sizing on alot of our possessions because if it is just us too and we very seldom get visitors we decided to get rid of alot of things we think we won't use anymore.

    We just hope your not too upset to see us once a week cause you & Karen are the only close friends we got who actually talk to us and don't looking over our shoulders to see what everyone else is doing.

    After reading all of your post even i got depressed.So much negativity,Things are what they are and people gotta move on.If anyone should be hanging from a rafter it should be ME,We have had it pretty hard the past few years and i am hoping 2011 we will see a little light on the other side of the tunnel.

    Need me i am a phone call away.I will help you get through the hardened sand if if comes to that.Lets hope it doesn't.

  3. Yes, I copied and pasted that just from one day of my news feed on Facebook. Just too goddamn depressing to read that shit all winter long and this is just the first snow!

  4. LOOK AT MEEEEE...I'm blogging!!!!!whatever that means? Don't worry JR, I got lost in it too until I figured out what was going on, since I am not friends with Meri on facefuck I do not see her posts and did not know what she was typing. This dinkbook is all new.

  5. She wasn't the only one, but after I copied hers from my news feed on Facefuckingbook I was too disgusted to continue by setting other examples of the whiny bawl-baby bullshit. And the worst part is, no matter how hard I tried to convince everybody that winter is survivable otherwise nobody at all would be living here, and you don't have to like it to survive it, they were all just too fucking dumb to understand. They would much rather dream up fucking excuses to whine and be fucking bawl-babies. And it's not just about winter, it's everyfuckingthing. Fuck.....

  6. Daena, Spmetimes it takes someone to stand up and point out the emperor has no clothes. If I wrote anything that offended you or made you feel unappreciated I adamently apologize to you.
    I really enjoyed your posts on facebook amd I will miss them. I have been through many low points in my life and winter always seems to cause problems. If I can help you at all please let me know. I will bookmark your blog to keep up and I promise if I post it will only be positive. Truthfully Daena, you made me sit down and think about all the things I DO like about winter. Chin up. Your freind Ross

  7. Thanks Ross! Nothing you wrote has offended me. I enjoy intelligent discussions about things, even if my opinion differs and sometimes especially then!

    The problem I ran into was I couldn't get on Facebook and read any hardly any statuses or comments without seeing all the whining that had been going on lately. I tried very hard to have intelligent discussions about it, but it almost always came out in a barrage of unintelligent comments like 'tissue?' and 'this sucks' and I was even told that I was on drugs and would be put into that person's filter. All because of winter? And this was just the first snowstorm. No way do I want to go through the next 2 or 3 months with seeing all of that. It was getting to the point where a person couldn't even post a picture without the usual unintelligent comments about 'how the picture had nasty snow in it' and 'it's not a very good picture because it's winter' and blah blah blah.

  8. I told Tracie last Friday when we left your place that you were stressing about everyone crying about WINTER.You were all up in arms and you seemed to be venting in a good way to us.I think you did the rite thing to come back to your blog and do your own thing for a while.Relax and don't worry about no one besides your ill puppy dog.

    Dad said he gets paid next Wednesday so any day after that he is read to go riding,Uncle Bob said we wants to go too.So when ever you are ready after Christmas we are ready to go.

    We gotta get together and do a little tubing over by me.I will drive over this weekend and see if it is plowed out and see what days for sure they are open

    One thing you will NEVER read about me typing how terrible late fall and Winter is.There is alot of wonderful things i can do in the Winter.

    You are rite though How do we survive living here in Wisconsin if it is SO bad.Wouldn't there be colder places to live like Alaska or even Canada,how do they survive?

  9. HA! Ya, the KABOOM was me. Actually, it was in reference to a comment on one of your statuses. You were talking about the temperature or something and then I said my house was popping and cracking. Then Meri piped in with one of her usual whining winter comments and I said that hopefully my house would blow up with me in it.

    So, the next status I made was the KABOOM! one. I had just gotten sick of it. Every picture, every status, every comment, everything had all that whining posted on it. I looked at my news feed and it was a whole page of the same whining, all the way down. And it had been going on that way pretty much since way before deer season. So finally I said to myself if this is all Fuckbook is going to be all winter long, then I don't need it. Before that it was fun and I was enjoying myself.

    I was thinking about going riding tomorrow, but sounds like the BRF trails are still a little soft. And last weekend I sold 6 loads of firewood (ya, 6 loads during the fucking death blizzard that all the bitches were carrying on about, in addition to shuttling Karen to and from work, plowing my own driveway, shoveling my roof....) so I am hoping I will sell a bunch more this weekend. After Christmas riding would be fine with me. Anytime. And I do want to go tubing soon too!

    I really don't mind people grumbling a little about winter, sometimes I do it myself, especially by about March, but winter hasn't even started yet and the bitching was so persistent and terrible that it was really bothersome. I couldn't enjoy my time on Fuckbook anymore. If you want to complain about winter Junior, go right ahead, because I know you won't go all loony about it! HA!

  10. I actually complained the other day that it was too hot in the Scout while plowing and rolled the window down....hahahahahahaha

  11. The old Scout was probably overheating!
