Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A long way to go!

Well, I started the snow-blower and walked behind it over a mile through the woods to get to my firewood piles stored out there.....and I did it! I was afraid that I might ruin it with a stump or a large limb under the snow, but I didn't. I did have one small limb wedge itself just right in the blower, squeal the belt for a second, then kill the engine. Took it out and don't see any damage done, then continued on. Not only can I get to the woodpiles now, but barring anymore large snowstorms, it might even be wide enough to pull the trailer. Which is great because my little sled only holds 1/3rd of a load. I still can't get anywhere else out in the woods to do a lot of cutting, but might be able to get to some dead trees right along the snow-blower path. And now I will be ok for selling wood again for a little while. Still not a lot, I will run out soon at this rate, but at least I can sell more than the couple loads I have left here in the yard.

Goldie is still about the same. She does drink, but doesn't really eat much. If she doesn't improve soon, I'm afraid she isn't going to make it this time.


  1. holy crap Daena!no wonder you have been pretty quiet the last couple days.
    I was afraid of hitting something with my snow blower too and i just happened to find a 1/2 " drive extension and guess what it got wedged into my blower and i think it bent it a little but seems to work ok .It was out in the road and not in my driveway,go figure.

    Bad news on Goldie.She might be giving up.If you need help with the unspeakable let me know.

  2. holy crap Daena!no wonder you have been pretty quiet the last couple days.
    I was afraid of hitting something with my snow blower too and i just happened to find a 1/2 " drive extension and guess what it got wedged into my blower and i think it bent it a little but seems to work ok .It was out in the road and not in my driveway,go figure.

    Bad news on Goldie.She might be giving up.If you need help with the unspeakable let me know.

  3. Thanks Junior. I hope Goldie will come out of it, but I don't know this time.
