Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Well I didn't make it yesterday on either thing, getting the wood stove maintenance done before the house cooled below 70 degrees and going the whole day without my headache coming back.

The house started out at 75 degrees, but 3 hours later when I was done hauling the wood up and cleaning the chimney, it had already dropped to 63 degrees. And it wasn't too bad outside, 38 degrees. Glad I did it yesterday, because it's sure ugly weather today. Looks nice out there, but it'll fool you.

I didn't have a headache all day, until I had no sooner fell asleep last night and at 11:30 pm the headache woke me up. It felt like someone had a knife stuck in my skull at my left temple, and they were trying to twist it. The usual stuff, except that it doesn't always start in the same place, and it moves around my head. I got up, poured some Ibuprofen down my throat, then settled into the chair by the wood stove. Like normal, it hurt so bad that I felt sick to my stomach, and my heart was skipping. But within a half hour my face started to feel numb and the headache went away so suddenly that it almost startled me. I don't always get that lucky, but sometimes. And, knock on wood, it was still gone this morning.

Don't know if I'll get to go out in the woods and cut some firewood today or not. Doing the stupid laundry today. Yuck. I'd much rather be cutting wood.

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