Sunday, February 8, 2009

It's Been Months!

I was finally able to get my telescope out again last night for awhile, first time since November. It was fairly warm except for the wind. Then it clouded up later in the evening. That Moon picture was actually taken through my telescope (note that the Moon is backwards, mirrored left to right, in the picture). The picture still doesn't do justice to what the Moon really looks like in the scope, it looks 3D through the eyepiece. And I was using my lowest power eyepiece.

- Quads, hailing from Grand Marsh Observatory atop Elk Castle Hill


  1. That telescope really reaches out.Alot closer that my camera but i bet it is more powerful.Awesome picture.I see nobody but me responds to your blog so i figured i should put in my two cents.


  2. The scope has a bigger lens than a camera, which gives it more ability to gather light. More light equals brighter views. The Moon picture was taken with the lowest power possible for my scope, which is only 15x! The difference is that the scope "sees" things better than the smaller camera lens. With the current eyepieces that I have for my scope, I think your camera zoom actually goes to higher power than the scope does. It's just that the scope packs more light/details into your eye (or the camera lens if holding it to the eyepiece).

    That's ok that nobody comments on my posts, because I know 1000s of them are looking and reading. I normally have the comment feature turned off and/or set up to e-mail me if somebody does (this comment e-mailed itself to me). Otherwise I never check for comments and would miss it anyway if I got one. I turned comments back on for most posts when I redesigned my scrapbook. I also added Reactions to the posts, which a few people have tried out.

  3. I played with the reaction part once or twice.

    Even though your telescope was on the lowest power it still took a damn good picture.Your right it does collect more light.

    I am sure alot of people look at my blog to,but i don't have a way to look.

  4. The program I have (Deep Sky Stacker) that I use to stack exposures of the stars doesn't work with the Moon or planets. Awhile ago I downloaded a program that stacks multiple pictures of the Moon (Registax) but I haven't installed it yet. I plan to install it and play with it as soon as I take a bunch of identical pictures of the Moon.

    I know a lot of people look at your website. My statcounter shows me where the people came from before they get to my website and quite a few of them come from yours.

    Statcounter is free and not too hard to install. After you sign up for it and tell it a few simple facts about your site, it's just a piece of code to paste into your pages, like most other things.
