Monday, April 14, 2008

A defective, new, power steering pump. Yep, that's what it was. I sold auto parts for ten years (and was the manager of a NAPA for a few of those), so I know how it is. It happens sometimes, albeit not too often, but it does happen. Of course, my luck (or the lack of it) always dictates that if there is a defective part anywhere to be found, it's in my hands!

I came straight home after milking this morning and didn't even take my barn boots off. I headed directly to the garage and started taking the defective pump back off, and pulled the pulley. With that done, I called the WI Rapids Autozone to see what my options were. They were out. The only one they stock was the defective one I bought. He could get me another one tomorrow. Or, since he understood that I needed it last night, he would refund my money. Advance Auto, just down the road from them, had one in stock. So that's what I did, got my money back, zipped down to Advance on the way out of town, and picked one up from them. The guys at Autozone are great and were very apologetic for the defective part, but I understand it isn't their fault. Shit happens. And if anybody knows first hand that shit happens, it's Karen and I! Ha ha!

And the next new one from Advance Auto works great. No screaming sounds, no foaming fluid, and no leaking! I went through all the fluid I had last night (two quarts - $10 worth) and had to buy more today. Didn't need very much this time, with no leaking.

My poor, old, bald tire, pickup truck went 200 miles in the last two days. Shit, I only drove it 1500 all of last year! Normally the only time is leaves the garage these days is to haul my ATV to Necedah! In those 200 miles it didn't quite use 6 gallons of gas. It may not look like much, but it always did get in the upper 30s for gas mileage.

Here's the old pump still on the car - the bearing was blown completely out - balls everywhere!

Here's the old pump off the car with the pulley still on it, to the right of the new defective pump (not yet known when I took the picture).

Here's the $40 kit for pulling the pulley off the old pump - and then again off of the new defective pump this morning.

Now onto other projects!

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