Monday, August 18, 2008

Bigfoot Discovery Declared A Hoax

Alas, the search for Bigfoot continues.

No evidence has emerged to support claims made last week by two men who said they found the corpse of a seven-foot-tall (two-meter-tall) Bigfoot—an apelike creature of North American legend—in the woods of northern Georgia.

Critics declared the men's story a bold hoax after the pair refused to show the body and following the disclosure that genetic tests from the alleged remains revealed only human and opossum DNA.....

.....Matthew Moneymaker is the president of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, an international network of Bigfoot investigators.

Moneymaker called the press conference an elaborate "profiteering scam" engineered by Biscardi.

"They know there's tremendous interest in seeing photographs of [Bigfoot], and they're trying to get people to pay to see hoaxed photos," he said.

Moneymaker's organization tracks Bigfoot news in the media, and he says Biscardi really scored with his latest exploit.

"There's been at least a thousand stories in newspapers across the world," Moneymaker said. "Before this, the highest record was about 200 articles in newspapers."
