Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pictures! Stayed up late last night (on my second day off), and now I'm a little tired while doing laundry. Fun, fun.

Going ATVing this afternoon so will be even more pictures! Not sure if we are going to Necedah to catch up with Ron, Dale, and gang, or going to Millston. The last three times I rode were in Necedah, and haven't been to Millston since they opened in May, so might go there for a change.

Yep, it's EAA time in Oshkosh!

Please send more rain! I know some places might not need it, but it's starting to get a little dry here again.

The Tiger Lillies are blooming.

A nice, cheery campfire. I burn mostly the short/odd pieces in the campfire and save the good stuff for the stove.

This 15 second exposure after dark was kind of cool! See the old lady sitting by the fire?

Jupiter and it's moons fascinates me! I've looked at Saturn and it's rings through my telescopes, but I still like Jupiter and it's moons better.

The firelight shining on the leaves of one of my trees, and Jupiter peeking through next to my CB antenna.

The International Space Station "pouring" out of the Big Dipper last night.

The southern Milky Way (looking towards the center of our galaxy), with Jupiter left of center. I can't see the southern sky from my usual perch at my house, so we took a nighttime walk down the road aways.

A little higher up, Jupiter bottom center.

Zoomed in a little closer on the southern Milky Way, showing several of the star clusters.
