Saturday, August 30, 2008

My best one yet!
Even if I do say so myself!

This compressed JPEG is not quite as good as the full size. This is the Summer Triangle (minus Altair which didn't get in the lower right corner of the picture). The brightest star at the top, just right of center, is Vega. The brightest star left of center is Deneb. The Summer Triangle (Vega, Deneb, Altair) is almost straight overhead after sunset now (it's a pretty big triangle, covers most of the sky overhead and several constellations).

One interesting thing to note: A little ways up from the lower right corner is the Coat Hanger. It's small and hard to see unless you study the picture. It looks like it's name, except that it's almost upside down.

This picture is a closeup of the Coat Hanger. The stars are trailed a little bit, due to the amount of zoom I used and the long exposure.

Fun fun! And cheaper than sitting in the tavern, I guess!