Sunday, August 24, 2008

Here is a sample of my first, and so far only, result of my experimental night sky picture technique. I did this for several hours last night, and this one picture is all there is! It took me 62 exposures (pushes of the shutter button on my Canon SX100 IS) to get it. I still have a long way to go to perfect it (probably never get it perfected) but I think the result is amazing for my first try, even if I do say so myself! As I practice, I hope to be able to go faster (wow, imagine TWO pictures in one night) and get better end result pictures!

This is a plain old night sky picture as it comes out of my SX100.

Also taken with my SX100, this is the same scene and end result of several hours of picture taking last night. Can you see more stars? WOW! A lot more stars. I'm not sure what the faint rainbow streak is, and the whole picture doesn't have as much color as I would like to see, but considering how I only half seriously expected it to turn out at all, I impressed myself.