Monday, January 11, 2010

Cutting The Ridge Off The Center Of The Trails

JR was over yesterday with Stumpjumper's snowmobile, and he went down one of the trails with it. It really knocked that center ridge down between the wheel tracks, and my old sled doesn't bottom out anymore. I used to use an iron grate to groom the trails in the summer. I dug it out of the junkpile and tried it on that ridge in the center.

It worked really good, except for two things. The snow piles up on it and it gets hard to pull. But, my Polaris didn't get stuck, at first. Once I turned around to come back home, I realized that the grate was taking the snow off the ridge in the center, but of course it was dumping that loose snow into the wheel tracks. So I lost traction on the second time over it. Only got stuck twice though. The other problem was that I kept looking back to watch it working and I drove right off the trail a couple times! And can't back up with the grate behind me. But it sure made it easy to pull the old sled full of wood now. It doesn't bottom out anymore.

There are always deer out in the woods, especially lately there has been a big herd of them. They aren't so easy to get a picture of. I see them everyday, but by the time I fumble around for the camera they're gone! Turkeys don't run quite as fast as deer, and don't even fly as fast. But, they usually stick close to the fields and don't venture too far out into the woods. So I was surprised to see a few out there today.

And finally, I did it! Got a few pictures of a deer today. I think the only reason it stood still long enough was because I was pulling that grate around and it couldn't believe it's eyes. It was wondering what in the world is that guy up to now.

It even stood there long enough to get zoomed in a little closer.

Time to get down to some serious wood cuttin' again.

And guess who fell off the wagon - again.

That round gas can's days are numbered! I just don't like the thing. I've had it forever and it's welcome is wearing thin. It's not so bad in the summer when I use my trailer, I put it in the milk crate on the front, but even then it's kind of a pain. I mean, the milk crate is square and the gas can is round so it doesn't fit in as compactly as it could. You know how when your gas can cools down and the sides suck in, so you open the cap and they pop back out. Not this thing. It's made from a real heavy hard plastic and when the sides suck in, it will not pop back into shape. I used to have to blow compressed air in it to get it back into shape. Now I just leave the cap loose. Of course, then every time it leaps from the wagon the gas runs all over the ground! Argh!

- Quads, hailing from Grand Marsh Observatory atop Elk Castle Hill

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