Saturday, January 9, 2010

Packing The Trail

I was out packing the trails to see if I would be able to cut some wood today. The deer are my friends! They help me pack the trails.

The deer have also been busy packing their own trails. They're starting to get pretty deep now, with all the snow.

When it gets way down below zero, the white pine lose some of their color. The needles turn from green to more of a gray. I took this picture at about zero degrees, but it had been almost 20 below just a few hours before.

The trails are getting really deep and really tall, if that makes sense. As I'm riding along, branches that are normally overhead hit me about eye-level now because there is so much packed snow under my wheels. And the sides are getting deep, almost like riding rails. I barely have to touch the handlebars in the curves. It's almost too deep for my little Hawkeye ATV.

He wasn't helping me pack any trails, but he's almost always out there. He was a long way up there. I had to use all 40x of my camera to get him in this picture. Sometimes this eagle roosts on the hay bales across the road from my house when he's not circling overhead.

I thought this jet was kind of cool-looking with it's green fuselage. It was a long way up there too and I had to use all 40x again. There were a couple fighter jets playing cat and mouse, shooting flairs out, but they are really hard to get a picture of. I missed on every try today.

- Quads, hailing from Grand Marsh Observatory atop Elk Castle Hill

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