Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I really did it. I had to. I had no choice. After what, three or four days? I finally had to light a fire in the stove again! Oh well, it won't be long now, maybe another few months, and I'll be able to leave it out for the whole summer! What's that consist of? 3 or maybe 4 months of not heating? Kind of a strange place we live in, 9 months of heating your house and 3 months of sweating stickiness until you start heating all over again!

We had the tiniest baby calf I've ever seen yesterday (alive anyway). It's all perfectly formed and seems healthy so far, but isn't really any bigger than a large fawn. Hopefully she makes it ok. I worry about the little ones like that.


  1. I have had problems with my woodfurnace.It has been boiling over for almost a week.Not sure but i think the wind we have been having has been blowing into the draft blower vent,BUT how do i solve that?


  2. The draft blower has a door on it, right? Maybe it needs a new gasket on the door? Or maybe the loading door itself needs a gasket? Sounds to me like it's sucking air somewhere.
