Monday, March 26, 2007

What a day! Up into the 80s! Really, too hot too soon. We have plenty of time for a lot of winter yet. Let's hope not, but I'd be surprised if it kept this up until next fall!

Went to the dealer today to get some oil and a filter for when I change the break-in oil. He said they don't have the 0w50 that it calls for, they just use the regular 0w40. And, even though the filter on it has a different #, he said the same old Polaris filter is the one to use. Well ok then. If he says so. That makes it easy, because by the time I change the oil again it will be out of warranty and I'll just get the oil and filter from Wal-mart for half the price like I always did for the old one.

Tilled the gardens up today. They'll have to be tilled again before planting, but I wanted to get the old cornstalks and pumpkin vines ground up good so they start to break down. Looking forward to another bumper crop of my secret special sweetcorn this year! This time I will plant it a week or so at a time so it doesn't all ripen at once! My carryover onions are already growing like crazy. I'll be eating them before it's time to plant new ones.

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