Monday, April 30, 2007
The bike trail headquarters in Kendall opens up tomorrow, and I think the same day is when they open the tunnel doors. Can't go this Sunday, but maybe the next Sunday I'll head down there for a little ride. And to get my season pass.
I haven't had much time the last week to ride my bike. Been busy with other stuff, and the damn wind has been blowing hard. This place really blows (in more ways than one), especially now that there are so few trees to slow it down.
Hard to believe my daughter turns 13 this week! Wow. She thinks she's so grown up! She really hates it if you call her by any nicknames normally used for children (like honey etc). She never was too fond of that kind of drippy stuff anyway.
Some of the old farmers want copies of the movies and pictures I took at the plowing on Saturday, so I'll be burning a few DVDs today.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
You can also zoom in on selected objects to see what they look like through binoculars or a telescope. I like the feature of speeding the time up, and/or reversing it. It's a little weird to figure out how to use it, most of the functions are controlled by the keyboard, but you won't know that until you look at the manual. You have to download the user's manual or visit the page on the web site.
The youngest calf also has it this week. She is still drinking her milk good and acts fairly normal, so hopefully will survive. She was just one week old Sunday, so cut it pretty close.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Unfortunately, this trailer is built kind of funny. I would have built it differently if it was me. The axle should be below the springs, not on top of them, and it should also be placed back another couple of inches to give it some tongue weight. Right now, as you can see from the above photo, it has no tongue weight and it rides with the tongue up too high. It's exaggerated in the photo because the ground the trailer is sitting on is lower than the garage floor, but you get the idea.
On the way to Necedah the other day, I noticed the ATV looked like it had moved back a little. Thought I better check it, so I pulled over into the Private Pleasures store (first time I ever stopped there, honest). Sure enough, out of the four straps, only one was holding and that one was loose! One of the back ones had even been dragging in the road behind me (funny none of the cars behind me tried to flag me down, I would have). I decided that was enough of that. Time to modify the trailer a little, more to my liking.
Seems like a lot of work for what usually amounts to a one time per year use, but it only takes one time for the ATV to fall off the trailer and ruin the rest of the year, the way I see it!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Sure dry and dusty today. Hope we get some rain soon.
The ATV ran really good. The warmer it is, the better it seems to like it. Pulled my trailer around all day with no complaints. Come to think of it, my little Hawkeye was the only one pulling a trailer! Actually didn't need it. There was so little garbage that I didn't end up with even half a bag.
WEEKEND METEORS: Earth is entering the dusty tail of Comet Thatcher, and this will cause a mild meteor shower this weekend. It's called the Lyrid meteor shower because the bits of incandescent comet dust appear to come from the constellation Lyra. The best time to look is during the dark hours before dawn on Sunday, April 22nd, and Monday, April 23rd, when you can expect to see a shooting star overhead every 5 minutes or so: sky map.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Sounds like a good day tomorrow to be out in the Refuge. The last time I was riding there, I paid attention to the amount of garbage along the routes and didn't see too much. Should be a breeze to clean up this year. Thank you for not littering!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Where: The Filter's cabin in Finley, WI, in Juneau County, on West 3rd Street, take the first left after Josie's Hideaway if going north on Highway 80, it is the first cabin on the right across from the round cabin)
When: The weekend of May 19th, 2007
Why: Cause it's to damn long to wait for Lake Hilbert ride in August!!
We will be riding from Millston to Hatfield and back! Right now we plan on stopping in Hatfield for a trail lunch of sub sandwiches.
For more information visit:
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I haven't rode my ATV too much lately. A little bit in the woods. It makes a few strange noises, but that's the nature of the beast. The engine is mounted solid to the frame, the clutch is a heavier, different design that has a bearing on the end of it in a metal clutch housing, and it's air-cooled which makes for some strange harmonics. I've read stories of people going into a panic because of the strange noises. They need to relax. It's no big deal. If something is really wrong, it will show up and be obvious. Like my dad used to tell me with the old snowmobiles: "Don't listen to those noises and ride the damn thing!"
Monday, April 16, 2007
I have a conflict for next Saturday. I think I will be helping the ATV club clean up the routes, but on the same day is the first work day in preparation for the antique club's show on the 28th. The antique club cleaned up all the old cars and other junk last year, so unless more junk got hauled in there (I rarely ever go beyond the barn, so don't know for sure) everything should be fairly junk free yet. And they are having another work day on the Friday before the show that I will be helping with, plus the show itself. So, unless the weather is bad, or something tips the scales the other way, I will be cleaning routes with the ATV club next Saturday.
I've added a video to the home page. Something I'm experimenting with. I have a lot of home movies, but never really did much with them before because the files are so big. But, between trimming and compressing, and then using Google to display them, it makes them a little more reasonable to view. I've got some ideas about filming a few things, now that I can share the videos more easily.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
The idea may seem unthinkable, even absurd, but many believe a "clean slate" approach is the only way to truly address security, mobility and other challenges that have cropped up since UCLA professor Leonard Kleinrock helped supervise the first exchange of meaningless test data between two machines on Sept. 2, 1969."
“They have the technology to build this craft, and then they’re captured by Barney Fife, his pistol and one bullet? That story strikes me as a bit odd.”
One of the almost 100 geese that roam all over the place and poop is nesting on the outside of the barn window again this year. Last year it banged on the window so much that it broke it out (JR knows what I'm talking about). Now there is a piece of plexi-glass in place of it, so I doubt it will break, but the frame isn't the greatest. I hate geese. The only animal more useless than cats.
Speaking of cats, all the strays running around have been popping out kittens. There's a bunch in the barn, some on my back porch, and who knows how many I haven't discovered yet. I hate cats.
No meeting for me today. I can't imagine any important decisions wee members would have to make that haven't already been made. And to drive all the way around the lake and back this Saturday to talk about what we already know for next Saturday seems kind of pointless.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Another wonderful "Spring" day! Yee haw! I guess I don't really mind the cold so much, other than it makes the grease stiff in the bearings on my bicycle, but I could live without the snow. A little bit to make the ground white at Christmas, and then it can go away. The only good thing about it this time is I know I won't be plowing! Ha ha! No plow.
While I was typing this, Snoopy started barking like crazy in the next room. I went in there to find her with a little toy, and she was looking in the mirror. She was barking at the dog with the toy in the mirror! Crazy dog.
The TV news was saying that Dane County had a lot of their snow removal equipment put in storage already and their mowers out. I know the feeling! April 9th, 1973 we got almost two feet of snow (I remember), so I guess it could be worse.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
While I was putting the mother in her stanchion this morning, the cow next to her kicked the crap out of me! Nothing out of the ordinary, just that it's usually not the cow next to the fresh one that kicks you. It's usually the fresh one!
Speaking of Hell freezing over, what's up with this weather? Now they're talking 8 inches of snow tonight. Right now I have nothing to plow my driveway with.
Monday, April 9, 2007
A top hurricane forecaster called Al Gore "a gross alarmist" Friday for making an Oscar-winning documentary about global warming.
"He's one of these guys that preaches the end of the world type of things. I think he's doing a great disservice and he doesn't know what he's talking about," Dr. William Gray..........................., April 8, 2007
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
Will the wind ever stop blowing? Man, now that most of the trees are gone (from the tornado a couple years ago and the greed that followed) this place really blows! In more ways than one. Ha ha!
I'm trying out FireFox. I've tried it before on an old computer, but it didn't have enough RAM to run it properly. Works pretty good so far. I'm also trying out Thunderbird for e-mail. Only 2% of the people that visit my web site use FireFox. 74% use IE 6 (only because it came with the majority of the computers being used today) and the rest fall somewhere in between. I've never been a very big fan of IE or Outlook. Too many security and software problems. Not that there isn't enough trouble already with Windows itself!
Wishing for warmer (and less windy) weather!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
I've added a news feature. You can click on my preselected search terms to see a few news articles for each. The ATV search term was a little tricky. If you search for anything ATV related, you always come up with almost exclusively accident reports. That's because ATV accidents get big ratings and are disproportionately represented in the media. Do all the car accidents get media coverage? No. Motorcycle? No. Bicycle? No. Snowmobile? Even though all the others have many more accidents, every ATV mishap gets coverage simply because it is big news to all the dumb bastards. It's not fair, and is always blown way out of proportion and makes ATV accidents look like a much more common occurrence than they really are. But, that's a whole topic in itself for another day. Hence, I added the - (minus) sign in front of "accident" on my search term. If it works properly, that will exclude all results with the word "accident" in them. Clicking on the other terms should be pretty much self explanatory. Just something I'm playing with. I'll see how it works.
Oh yes, and I've already changed the look of the blog again! Imagine that.
“I wanted to tear off my shirt and throw it down, but then the sky shut closed, and a strong thump sounded, and I was thrown a few yards. I lost my senses for a moment, but then my wife ran out and led me to the house. After that such noise came, as if rocks were falling or cannons were firing, the earth shook, and when I was on the ground, I pressed my head down, fearing rocks would smash it. When the sky opened up, hot wind raced between the houses, like from cannons, which left traces in the ground like pathways, and it damaged some crops. Later we saw that many windows were shattered…”
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
The tiny calf seems to have made it through the weekend ok (although, one of the cows croaked). She might even be growing a little bit. Still have to look at her twice every time just to make sure I'm not imagining her small size!
Hauled a few loads of wood up to the house yesterday. The ATV seems like it will handle it ok. Squats a little bit in the rear, but doesn't bottom out. It won't be as good at it as the Sportsman, but it'll do.