Friday, April 6, 2007

There is an awesome photo from the Hubble Space Telescope of galaxy NGC 1672. You can see the big picture here. I find it hard to believe that we are alone in the universe. Imagine if the human race is the best that the universe (or God) has created! Scary.

I'm trying out FireFox. I've tried it before on an old computer, but it didn't have enough RAM to run it properly. Works pretty good so far. I'm also trying out Thunderbird for e-mail. Only 2% of the people that visit my web site use FireFox. 74% use IE 6 (only because it came with the majority of the computers being used today) and the rest fall somewhere in between. I've never been a very big fan of IE or Outlook. Too many security and software problems. Not that there isn't enough trouble already with Windows itself!

Wishing for warmer (and less windy) weather!


  1. I downloaded firefox also but it don't have e-mail like netscape does.I could use the google e-mail but i don't think i would keep the address i already got.(right?)I also downloaded netscape 8 but it is so slow i loose my patience from waiting for a website to load.


  2. I'm using Thunderbird for e-mail. You get it from the same place that you got FireFox (, I think).
