Monday, April 30, 2007

I don't want to jinx it, but so far the tiny calf is doing better. I gave her a lot of extra care last week, and this morning the Monday sickness doesn't seem to have returned. Maybe she'll actually make it, since she was older than a week when she got it.

The bike trail headquarters in Kendall opens up tomorrow, and I think the same day is when they open the tunnel doors. Can't go this Sunday, but maybe the next Sunday I'll head down there for a little ride. And to get my season pass.

I haven't had much time the last week to ride my bike. Been busy with other stuff, and the damn wind has been blowing hard. This place really blows (in more ways than one), especially now that there are so few trees to slow it down.

Hard to believe my daughter turns 13 this week! Wow. She thinks she's so grown up! She really hates it if you call her by any nicknames normally used for children (like honey etc). She never was too fond of that kind of drippy stuff anyway.

Some of the old farmers want copies of the movies and pictures I took at the plowing on Saturday, so I'll be burning a few DVDs today.


  1. Daena-

    Is Ashley's birthday party Sunday?

    I would like to get a season bike pass also but i lost mine last year and i only went over there once.

    I call Brittany Honey all the time,i am so used to it,it will be a hard habit to break when she get older.She still excepts it no but it might get old later on.

    I know what you mean about the wind blowing.We dang near got blown away Saturday at the "plow FB's fields so he won't have too"show.I rode 7.6 miles Saturday on my bike and it was rough.

    I will have to see if i got the gas to ride the bike trails in a couple of weeks.


  2. Yes, I think it's Sunday. I'm not invited.

    Doesn't look like I'll be riding bike tonight either. Thundering pretty good towards Mauston right now.
