Thursday, April 5, 2007

Well, it did. It broke! By the time my outside faucet had thawed enough today to once again drain it, it was busted. I have been thinking of doing something different with it anyway to make it less complicated to take care of. I never thought it would freeze hard enough and long enough to break it, until it was too late. I wouldn't have even had it hooked up yet, except that I worry about fire weather. Especially now that the plantation by the house has been mostly cleared and all that is left is various stages of decaying pine boughs. Never know when somebody driving by will pitch a cigarette out, or thump their tobacco pipe ashes out on the outside of their car door.

I've added a news feature. You can click on my preselected search terms to see a few news articles for each. The ATV search term was a little tricky. If you search for anything ATV related, you always come up with almost exclusively accident reports. That's because ATV accidents get big ratings and are disproportionately represented in the media. Do all the car accidents get media coverage? No. Motorcycle? No. Bicycle? No. Snowmobile? Even though all the others have many more accidents, every ATV mishap gets coverage simply because it is big news to all the dumb bastards. It's not fair, and is always blown way out of proportion and makes ATV accidents look like a much more common occurrence than they really are. But, that's a whole topic in itself for another day. Hence, I added the - (minus) sign in front of "accident" on my search term. If it works properly, that will exclude all results with the word "accident" in them. Clicking on the other terms should be pretty much self explanatory. Just something I'm playing with. I'll see how it works.

Oh yes, and I've already changed the look of the blog again! Imagine that.

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