Sunday, April 8, 2007

I rode around on the routes in the refuge for a few hours today. Too bad it was cloudy and kind of cold - not very much like Spring - but it was fun anyway. A few flakes of snow in the air from time to time. Never saw another soul riding while I was out there.


  1. I seen you go by the gas station Tracie works at on Sunday!Got ready to cook ham and didn't have no pinapple or brown sugar so i had to get some money from mama.You must of went prett early cause you were going by around noon!I should of went,it wasn't too bad out and it only took 2 1/2 hours to cook the ham on the grill.MMMMMM that ham was delicious,it had beer,pineapple,butter and brown sugar on it.


  2. I saw Tracie's car there. I did go early. Karen had to work, and Ashley left early for church so I took off.
