Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Another calf born this morning. I'm starting to run out of room! Normally I would put the newborns in one pen, then the older/weaned ones in another pen. But, the ones in the weaned pen are way overdue for putting outside to make room, and there is a bull of that same generation in the little ones' pen. So, when Hell freezes over and the big ones are moved outside there will be room in the pens for the little ones. Right now they're tied up with twine and shitting all over the barn.

While I was putting the mother in her stanchion this morning, the cow next to her kicked the crap out of me! Nothing out of the ordinary, just that it's usually not the cow next to the fresh one that kicks you. It's usually the fresh one!

Speaking of Hell freezing over, what's up with this weather? Now they're talking 8 inches of snow tonight. Right now I have nothing to plow my driveway with.


  1. Don't feel bad Daena!My plow quad is over at Russell's.I guess i will just have to plow through it with our car.Hopfully it won't last too long.

    Put a calf under your coat tomorrow and take it home,i will help you with your calf>dalema<(that's not spelled right is it?)

    That old cow didn't hurt you too bad did it?Worst thing about that is,you could lay there for a week before anyone found you.


  2. Yep, that's the hell of it with milking alone all the time. And it's not even my farm! I wouldn't do it, except I like the cows. Well, maybe not the one that kicked me but the rest are ok! Ha ha!
