Saturday, September 22, 2007

Yuck, the funeral is over. It's just so creepy, everybody parading by to see if she's really dead. They say it's for the family, but how does additional trauma heal the original trauma? It's almost ghoulish. Then they tell you that their god gives you life on Earth just long enough to take it away again, causing extreme sadness to you and all those around you, and now you will be spending eternity with this god. What kind of a cruel joke is that? No thanks, I'll pass.

Today we dig a hole and bury her ashes next to Dad.


  1. I didn't look at you Mom too much cause she didn't look the way i remembered her.

    I am not sure why everyone has to see a dead person laying there in a casket?I would much rather remember them when they were alive.

  2. Yep, damn cancer makes sure there isn't much left of a person before it finally finishes them off.

    I agree JR, I'd rather remember them when they were alive. I've been saying for many years that funerals are a morbid, disgusting tradition that needs to be discontinued.
