Monday, June 25, 2007

Everything in my garden is growing good - except the cucumbers. I always end up with too many every year and they go to waste. After awhile I can't even give them away anymore because everybody else ends up with too many also. This year I thought I would plant only two plants and that would be enough, so that's what I did. Well, those first two plants came up with their first two leaves and something promptly cut the stems off. Then the next two, and the next two, and the next two.........five times I replanted those two cucumber plants! And still something keeps cutting them off.

Whatever it is, cuts them off just above the ground and does not eat them. Lets the leaves lay there and wither up. I was thinking a cutworm of some type, but generally that's below the ground. A rabbit, but never any tracks and it would eat the leaves. A bird of some sort? Once I did see something dart away that looked like a real tiny grasshopper. Maybe that? But why not eat the leaves? And why is nothing else touched, like the corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, etc?

Then I planted cucumbers all over the garden, in any little empty spot I had and still they were cut off. I finished planting the last off my whole package of seed this weekend, just to get two cucumber plants to grow! I do have one plant that has finally made it to the next set of leaves, so maybe. Either way, it looks like I won't have too many cucumbers this year!

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