Sunday, June 10, 2007

Had a fun ride on the routes today. Rode up to Bear Bluff and back to Necedah. 80 miles and about 2 gallons of gas (my old beat up truck gets about the same mileage). Saw a couple fawns this time and the wildflowers are really blooming. The routes were dusty, but it didn't matter because it was all behind me.

The other day I switched the front and back tires on my truck to see if it would take care of a shimmy in the front end. Well, it seems to have cured it. I couldn't get it to shimmy all day, and the front end felt rock solid. A couple things could explain it. First, it could be a bad belt in one tire, but I doubt it. I've had many different tires on it over the years and I can't imagine if I did have more than one with a bad belt, that they would all end up on the front. Second, and most likely in my opinion, is one of the rims is bent a little. And that makes the front end shimmy under the right conditions. If so, that rim is now on the back and not causing any trouble.

And when I got home, I went on my bike ride!

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