Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A true story:

Once upon a time there was a person that inherited a dairy farm (I'll refer to this person as "T"). Among T's many mental curiosities was the fact that he enjoyed crapping in the gutter with the cows. At the time this story took place, T had two people doing his work for him (I'll refer to them as Rev. Q and Travis).

One day Rev. Q found a dead chicken in the hen house. He disposed of the deceased chicken by placing it in the gutter. That very spot in the gutter also happened to be T's favorite crapping place. Travis then came along and discovered the dead chicken in T's favorite gutter crapping spot.

Travis to Rev. Q; "I think T is quite sick."
Rev. Q; "What gives you that idea?"
Travis; "Because T ate a chicken and it went right through him."


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