Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I can see Forumer hasn't changed. They're the hosting company for my calendar (my old discussion board). It's down right now. Piece of crap. It had been running fairly trouble free (as trouble free as that buggy software gets) since I went through the html completely and repaired it enough to get the calendar up and running. This time it seems the crappy hosting server is completely down, and not just a problem with the crappy forum software. Not that it makes me feel any better, but it may be less work for me when/if it does come back online. I wouldn't even worry about it, but it seems that a community calendar is needed so badly. There are many calendars around the net, but most of those are specific to their own single topic. You have to look over a whole list of calendars to get an idea of what's going on in the area. And ATV-related event calendars are the most desperately neglected! It's not hard to create and maintain a stupid list of events. Come on.

Anyway, it's worth a try to give my viewers an idea of the area events. I don't pretend to know everything that's going on, which is why I have it set up so anyone can post events to my calendar (it requires a simple registration process, which I would eliminate if it was possible to, or use your old forum account if you have one). Post anything you want to the calendar. Wish someone a Happy Birthday, or post when the next eclipse will be. And if I, or someone else, already has an event posted and you have more detailed information, post the event again. I will delete the old posting and leave your new and detailed listing on the calendar.

Hopefully the buggy software continues to behave itself (once it comes back online of course). If not, it'll be removed, but regardless, please feel free to add whatever you want to it.

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