Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I cut another pile of wood today. Don't I have an exciting life? It was even more humid today. I don't think I'll be cutting wood for a few days. It's good exercise for the old flab though.

More rain coming tonight, by the sound of the forecast. We can never have enough rain here in the Central Sands, but they sure don't need it in the hills. Their soil doesn't soak it up like ours does, and there isn't any hills here for it to run off of either. About all 16 inches of rain would do here is bring Patrick's Lake up by about an inch maybe. Since Saturday we've got about 4 and a half inches and barely a puddle anywhere. It sure is funny seeing everything so green though. Normally this time of year everything is scorched and brown.


  1. I think our dry season started early this year.June and July sure was dry but August is a different story.I got close to 4" of rain.

  2. Last year it was dry from the middle of May all the way until the end of August. We had one storm in the middle of July.
