Saturday, December 22, 2007

Are you looking for cheap jeans for work or whatever? I just bought a pair at Wal-mart for 8 bucks, and they're really comfortable. I can't believe you can even find jeans for $8 anywhere. Seems like they keep going down in price, instead of up. Of course, that's one thing I like about Wal-mart (and their competition doesn't like). But no matter which side of the fence you're on about it, you must admit that Sam Walton really knew how to create a successful business. It's probably also the reason they've never put one of their stores in Adams County, but circled around it. That would be like putting cargo in a ship that has holes in the bottom! Ha ha! They didn't get so successful by making mistakes like that.

Snow is a comin'! Again. I have to go to Reedsburg tomorrow, so don't know how that's going to work out. If I can go, I for sure won't have time to plow my driveways until Monday. Too bad I'm not wealthy and powerful, then I'd just hire somebody to plow them for me! I heard that they get $30 to plow your driveway now. Wow. Years ago when I still had the old Willy's, I used to charge people $8 to plow their driveway. When I raised it to $10, everybody thought I was stealing from them. I wonder what they think now? Just in the last few weeks alone, at 30 bucks a time, a guy could save enough to buy a lot of snow shovels.

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