Friday, December 21, 2007

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is:

Any South Park episodes that I don't already have: Especially the collection of Christmas episodes.

DK Jungle for Nintendo DS: We used to have hours of fun playing Donkey Kong Country on the old Super Nintendo and I think DK Jungle is similar to that.

A vehicle with a snowplow: That would save me so much time plowing my driveways, that I might even have enough time left over to plow JR's for him. Then that would save him time and money and he could go riding with me again!

A newer used snowmobile: With all the time I'd save plowing snow, I might have time to do a little snowmobiling again. But, Santa, I wouldn't want you to waste the money on a new snowmobile for the few times a year that it could be ridden, if at all.

More ATVing with friends: Riding alone is fun, but when I'm peeing and drop my glove and pee on it, there's nobody to laugh at me and tell the story every time we go riding again for the next decade! Riding with friends is much more fun.

Good luck for Mom's house: I want to be able to sell Mom's house to somebody that will care for it and raise a family there like Mom and Dad did. I do not want to have to abandon it or sell it only for the empty lot.

My one dollar in change back from the Adams County Parks Department: I've waited almost a year now.

Thank you Santa. Give Mrs. Santa a kiss or two from me and maybe a little something extra this year.

The Reverend Quads

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