Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Busy, busy.

The Christmas shopping is done. Well, was done until I thought of another gift I wanted to get, so will go today and finish that. Just waiting for the washing machine to get done so I can go! I also need to get a few supplies, one of which is a real mouse for my laptop. I don't use it very much, but when I do I hate using that little rubber pencil eraser type button in the middle of the keyboard. How awkward. The homemade CMOS battery is still working great, by the way.

It's sure been a baby factory down at the barn. Some bad luck with them though. The first baby born several days ago, was still-born. The mom (my favorite cow, #27) hasn't been feeling too good. Turns out she has the shitting disease. I was afraid of that. She's a goner now. We'll keep her until she starts to get too skinny and sick, then she'll be shipped. Damn.

The day after #27 had her stillborn calf, #13 started to have hers. But she had a little trouble so the vet came and helped her along. Cow and calf are doing great thus far.

And the morning after that, a new heifer from out behind the barn started to have her calf (her number is #1 now - it depends on which stanchion they occupy in the barn and hers is the first spot). She had trouble, so the vet came to help her out. The calf was already dead inside the cow, so the vet started to pull it out. It broke in two! Yuck. The he had to perform a ceasarian to get the back half of the calf out of her. Poor cow. She's still not feeling the best yet, because of the ordeal. Hopefully she starts eating better soon.

And then that night #6 had her calf. Fortunately she had it all by herself and the baby is so far healthy.

On other matters, the dead deer is still there. The hillbilly didn't come back in the middle of the night to pick it up and add it to his meal from the first one he picked up. I don't know what more I can do. I called the sheriff's department twice. If it's still there today, I'll drag it out in the middle of the road and leave it. If someone drags it back off and into my yard, I'll drag it back out into the middle of the road. Maybe they'll get the hint.

Of course, not a word from planning and zoning. The longer they piss around, the more it's costing to keep the place heated. I had hoped to have it sold by now. If it's ok'd, then I want to keep heating it until it's sold, which is delayed while I'm waiting for them. If not ok'd, then I want to drain it down and shut the gas off before abandoning it. But, I still have to keep heating it and buying that damn gas until the planning and zoning does what I paid them for - make a decision!

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